
What To Do In An Earthquake?

what to do in an earthquake?

JAPAN Earthquake Nuclear Fukushima ☢Attack, Haarp, japan ☢☢USA NEXT?☢NWO

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the illuminati weapons are very complex. The Spirits have returned and are trying to take over, the satanist are trying to create a new reality. and one world government. Unplug from this before you fall vitim. The tech creators that have created man are Already here. They need our help. Do not dismiss new info. Kill the TV. And Connect to the spirit world. And find your true self New info i have received is showing me this was intended to be caught and noticed, for a staged war, With Documents i have seen from military Claming Others are engaging in quake weapons and other weather wars is a DEception. The weaponsw are REAL. But they are controled by same forces for deception..
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From what i have noticed they want the Illusion everyone has these weapons and there is a war going on between other countries and the US. IMO this is FALSE. This is ment to Create the illusion everything is Separate. When infact its all controled by very few under countrol for the Illusion for a WORLD WAR situation, And reason to start WW3. So they can Claim we need to fight with our army and other countries armies for another staged Event. I will be looking deeper. But nothing is at it seems. Everything is to deceive the people so we can be controled and herded to the nearest Shelters for depopulation if the war IF THEY GET IT, take the info as you see it. beleive what you will. Peace and love for everyone. www.youtube.
com the families are farnese borgia breaspear aldobrandini Orsini medici www

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