2009年1月29日、朝日新聞夕刊に「抗うつ剤 効果差30%」という記事が掲載されています(asahi.comにもあり) 。大変怪しい記事なので、ご紹介いたします。このブログを読んでいただいている方は、だまされないと思いますが。
12の「薬」を対象に、1991年から2007年に世界各国で行われた「効き目」に関する比較臨床試験のうち� ��「科学的信頼度の高い117試験を選んで解析」。そして、「8週間後の効き方」と「副作用のため薬をやめた率」を比べた。
1) 「信頼度の高い」という「試験」の「信頼度」については、12名の医師たちの選択基準がどこにあるか、ということが問題になるはずです。
Getting a professional looking website can be expensive for a small business or an individual, but Freeola offers a choice of affordable web page design services to get and keep a website up and running easily.
境界性パーソナリティ障害の増加は、現代の社会が従来の価値や伝統が色あせ、その力を急速に失っている中で、生き方を自分で選択し決定していくことが若い世代に避けられない課題として課せられている時代であることと無関係ではありません。伝統的な社会規範の影響が弱まり、価値観が動揺している社会では、若い世代にとって適切な自己同一性の確立が困難となり、同一性拡散が生じやすく� ��ります。
子供時代の心理的虐待が原因の一つであるとする研究もあります。身体的及び性的な虐待、無視、敵対的な葛藤、早くに親を亡くしたり、親と別れたりしたという小児期の生活歴がしばしば見られます。持続的な愛着関係が維持されず外傷体験が繰り返されたため、安定した対人関係の形成が困難にな っていたと想定されます。
自我同一性の問題を抱えた青年は、一時的に境界性パーソナリティ障害のような誤った印象を与えることがあります(情緒的な不安定さ、実存的なジレンマ、不確かさ、不安を引き起こすような選択、 性的方向性に関する葛藤、職業を決める際の社会的圧力など)。
ずっと続く自己像または自我感情の不安定さを特徴とする同一性の障害が存在します。目標 、価値観、職業などについての考えや計画が突然に変化します。患者の自己像は、通常悪い、邪悪なものですが、ときに自分が全く存在しないと感じていることもあります。患者の行動は、構造化されていない職場や学校では悪化します。
不安定で激しい対人様式を示します。1、2回会っただけで、相手を理想化しますが、その人が十分なものを与えてくれないと感じると、即座に 変化して相手をこき下ろすようになります。他人に対する見方を突然、極端に変化させる傾向があります。
Understanding Cystic Acne 理解嚢胞性座瘡 by: Paton Jackson : パトンジャクソン Understanding what cystic acne is can help you to better treat this condition on your own body.嚢胞性座瘡の理解をどのように改善することができますが、この状態で、自分の体を治療する。 For many individuals, it is traumatizing in the way that their outward appearance is flawed by these small but powerful infections.多くの人々のため、それは自分のやり方でtraumatizingでは、欠陥のある外観では、小さいけれど強力な感染症です。 The skin becomes inflamed here and it may even hurt.ここにして皮膚に炎症を傷つける可能性もある。 The irritants are likely to be bacteria as well as a combination of other factors.細菌の刺激物質が予想されるだけでなく、他の要因の組み合わせである。 The bottom line is, though, that people want and need results when it comes to treating cystic acne.肝心なのは、いえ、その人が、いざとなれば治療に必要な結果を嚢胞性座瘡。 What Causes It?原因は何ですか? Cystic acne is caused by when the oil ducts in the skin become clogged.嚢胞性座瘡によって引き起こされるときには油管が詰まっている肌になる。 This will lead to the ducts (or pores) becoming infected.これによりダクトにつながる(または細孔)が感染しています。 The oil ducts are over producing oils that are generally need to help keep the skin moist as well as to help the hair follicle to ease out of the skin.油管は、石油生産には通常、必要以上に維持するのを助けるだけでなく、しっとり肌を助けを緩和するため、毛包のうち、お肌に仕上げます。 Yet, for many teenagers, hormones are all out of control and this can cause these oil glands to simply produce too much oil.しかし、 10代の若者の多くは、ホルモンはすべて、このうちの制御およびこれらの油腺を引き起こす可能性が多すぎるの石油を生産するだけだ。 Eventually, bacteria find there way into this area and irritate it enough to cause the infection on the skin.結局、このエリアの細菌の道を見つけるとそこを刺激することは、感染症を引き起こすほどのお肌に仕上げます。 This is what cystic acne is.嚢胞性座瘡は、これは何です。Treatments For It治療をすること |
●更新日:2011/11/08 22:03 ●合計閲覧数:22 ●回答数:2 ●お役立ち投票数:3
vˑRNrɁI@͔DP5B@ ǂc@ 02/10/2003 14:03
| |||
Drugs companies 'inventing diseases to boost their profits'
PHARMACEUTICAL companies are systematically creating diseases in order to sell more of their products, turning healthy people into patients and placing many at risk of harm, a special edition of a leading medical journal claims today.
The practice of "diseasemongering" by the drug industry is promoting non-existent illnesses or exaggerating minor ones for the sake of profits, according to a set of essays published by the open-access journal Public Library of Science Medicine.
オープンアクセスの雑誌Public Library of Science Medicineに掲載された一連のエッセイによると、医薬品業界による「病気つくり」の実践は、利益のために非存在の病気または軽症疾患の誇張を促進しています。
The special issue, edited by David Henry, of Newcastle University in Australia, and Ray Moynihan, an Australian journalist, reports that conditions such as female sexual dysfunction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and "restless legs syndrome" have been promoted by companies hoping to sell more of their drugs
オーストラリア、ニューカースル大学のDavid Henry、およびオーストラリア人のジャーナリスト、Ray Moynihanによって編集された特別号は、女性性機能障害、注意欠如多動性障害(ADHD)や「"むずむず脚症候群」などの症状がそれらの薬剤販売増を望んでいる製薬会社によって促進されたと報告しています。
Female Sexual Dysfunction:女性性機能障害
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 注意欠陥多動性障害
"restless legs syndrome むずむず脚症候群
Other minor problems that are a normal part of life, such as symptoms of the menopause, are also becoming increasingly "medicalised", while risk factors such as high cholesterol levels or osteoporosis are being presented as diseases in their own right, according to the editors.
子猫の世話について :
生後2~7 週頃は、自分と同じ猫の仲間との関係を通じて将来の社会関係のマナーやルールを学ぶ「社会化」の時期とされています。この時期はとても大切で、社会化期をどのように過ごすかによって、様々なものに慣れやすい慣れにくいという性格が決まるともいわれています。
L101 神経ブロック(神経破壊剤又は高周波凝固法使用)1 下垂体ブロック三叉神経半月神経節ブロック腹腔神経叢ブロックくも膜下脊髄神経ブロック神経根ブロック下腸間膜動脈神経叢ブロック上下腹神経叢ブロック腰神経叢ブロック3,000点 2 胸・腰交感神経節ブロック頸・胸・腰傍脊椎神経ブロック眼神経ブロック上顎神経ブロック下顎神経ブロック舌咽神経ブロック蝶形口蓋神経節ブロック顔面神経ブロック1,800点 |
膝関節と股関節の変形性関節症の患者にグルコサミンかコンドロイチンを投与しプラセボ(偽薬)と比較した200人以上の大規模な臨床試験10件の結果を集計して総合評価を行なったところ、グルコサミンもコンドロイチンも臨床的に意味のある痛みの改善はなかった。論文はBritish Medical Journal 電子版に2010年9月16日掲載された。
この記事の原文はKen Murray(M.D.)によって書かれたものです。
翌日帰宅した彼は仕事を手じまいし、2度と病院へ足を踏み入れる事はなかった。彼は家族と共により心地よく、出来るだけ長い時間を過ごす事に決めたのだ。それから、数ヶ月後に彼は自宅で亡くなった。彼は化学療法、放射線療法、手術療法を行わなかった為、メディケア(公的医療保険制度)は彼にあまりお金を費やす事はなかった 。
勿論、医師も死ぬ事を望んではいない、彼らは生きたがっている。しかし、彼らは近代医療の限界を知っている。そして、全ての人々が死にたいして何を恐れているかも知っている。その恐怖とは苦痛であり、孤独に死んでいく事だ。彼らはこうしたことについてすでに自身の家族に話をしている。いよいよという時になれば、彼らは地上に� �在する最後の時に自分がCPR (心肺機能蘇生) により意識を取り戻すために肋骨を砕かれることの決してないように望む (適切にCPRが行われた場合こうしたことが起こる) 。
と同時に、私なんかどっちかというと無責任派なのか、上に立つのってめんどくさいから誰かやって~という方です。集団の縛りがきついところはそうもいかないだろうけど、緩ければ下の方でへらへらわりと自由に気楽にやってられるから、そっちの方が好みに合ってるというのか…… (^ ^;)ゞ
毎年、冬になると、(季節性)インフルエンザの流行が、必ず起きます。1990-1999年の統計によれば、毎冬、アメリカ合衆国では、(季節性)インフルエンザの関与により約3万6千人の人が亡くなっています。インフルエンザに感染する確率は、こどもで高いですが、(季節性)インフルエンザの重症化や(季節性)インフルエンザによる死亡の割合は、65歳以上の高齢者、2歳未満の乳幼児や慢性疾患を持っている人で高いです。日本でも、1999年の日本人の平均寿命が前年に比べてわずかに短くなったのは、インフルエンザの流行により高齢者の死亡が増えたからだとされています。50-64歳についても、一つ以上の慢性疾患を持っていてそのため重症化することが多いとして、アメリカ合衆国では、以前は、50歳以上の人たちに、(季節性)インフルエン� �ワクチンが推奨されていました。 2002年において、アメリカ合衆国では、50-64歳の人は約4360万人いますが、そのうち、慢性疾患がある等の(季節性)インフルエンザの重症化の危険性のある人は約1350万人(34%)程度と推計されています。一方の、(季節性)インフルエンザの重症化の危険性のない、健康な50-64歳の人も(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンを接種することにより、(季節性)インフルエンザ患者数が減り、医療機関受診回数が減り、病気による欠勤が減り、抗生物質の使用も減ると期待されています。また、慢性の病気があるかないかによって選別して接種するよりは、年齢で接種するかどうかを決める方が誰にでも接種対象者がわかりやすく、そのため接種率も向上すると期待されました。
なお、2010-2011年冬季以後のインフルエンザワクチンについては、 新型インフルエンザ(A-2009H1N1)改めA(H1N1)pdm09 型インフルエンザの流行も予想され、アメリカ合衆国では生後6か月以上の人々に推奨されています。新型インフルエンザ(A-2009H1N1)改めA(H1N1)pdm09 型インフルエンザでは、慢性疾患がある等のインフルエンザの重症化の危険性がないと思われる若年者でも重症化した例が見られました。また、新型インフルエンザ(A-2009H1N1)改めA(H1N1)pdm09 型インフルエンザに対する免疫を持っていない人が、若年者を含めどの年齢層でもまだ多いと思われます。
毎年、インフルエンザワクチンを受けることにより、インフルエンザによる症状や死の多くを防ぐことができます。インフルエンザにかかると重症になりやすい人たちには、特にインフルエンザワクチンの接種が勧められます。65歳以上の人たち、心臓・肺・腎臓の慢性疾患を持つ人たち、喘息患者、糖尿病患者、免疫不全患者、重症の貧血患者等に勧められます。また、長期にわたってアスピリン治療を受けていてインフルエンザにかかるとライ症候群になることが心配される6か月から18歳までのこどもたちにも勧められます。老齢あるいは病気・障害のため介護を必要とする人たちにも勧められます。また、これらの人たちに関わる医療・保健・福祉関係者にも、自分が感染するとこれらの人たちに感染させてしまう恐れがあること� �ら、インフルエンザワクチンの接種が勧められます。
なお、ライ症候群(Reye syndrome : オーストラリアの病理学者R.D.K.Reyeに因む)は、水痘、インフルエンザとアスピリンの使用とに関係する病気です。ライ症候群は、水痘及びインフルエンザのまれな合併症で、水痘及びインフルエンザの急性期に鎮痛解熱剤のアスピリ ンを服用していたこどもたちに多く見られます。ライ症候群は、5-16歳が大部分で、嘔吐と嗜眠から始まり譫妄・昏睡にいたり、致死率は20-30%、生存者では脳障害が残ります。ライ症候群の発生の仕組みはよくわかっていません。しかし、水痘及びインフルエンザでアスピリンを使用しなくなってから、ライ症候群の発生は減少しました。水痘、インフルエンザではアスピリン(アセチルサリチル酸)を使用してはいけません。感冒薬の中にアスピリンが含まれている場合もあるので注意しましょう。
「インフルエンザワクチンは効かない」と言って、インフルエンザワクチンを受けない人もいます。インフルエンザワクチンを受けても、インフルエンザではない、インフルエンザに良く似た病気にかかってしまう場合があります。そのような場合には、その人は、「インフルエンザワクチンが効かなかった」と思うでしょう。また、前冬の流行ウイルスを参考としてインフルエンザワクチン株として選ばれたウイルスと、実際に今冬になって流行したウイルスとが遺伝子的にかけ離れたものとなってしまい、遺伝子的に近い場合と比較すればワクチンの効果が少なく見えるようなこともあります。大量のインフルエンザワクチンの製造には時間がかかり、実際の流行の半年以上前にインフルエンザワクチン株を選んでいるので、その半� ��の間に、流行ウイルスの遺伝子の大きな差異が生じてしまうと、改めてワクチンを作りなおすというようなことができないのです。実際に流行が始まってみないと、流行ウイルスの遺伝子の差異がわからず、また、ワクチンの効果の程度もよくわからないのです。
インフルエンザワクチンの効果は、人によって違います。65歳未満の健康な成人での研究では、流行ウイルスがワクチン株ウイルスと遺伝子的に同様のものの場合には、(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンは、(季節性)インフルエンザを予防することに70-90%で効果がありました。老人や慢性疾患を持つ人たちでは、(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンによるイン フルエンザ予防の効果は、これより落ちますが、(季節性)インフルエンザの重症化や(季節性)インフルエンザによる死亡を少なくする効果があります。(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンによって、介護施設に入所していない老人たちについて、医療機関への入院を30-70%減らす効果が見られたとする研究があります。また、(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンによって、介護施設の入所者について、入院や肺炎を50-60%、死亡を80%減らす効果があったとする研究があります。ただし、流行ウイルスがワクチン株ウイルスと遺伝子的にかけ離れたものとなってしまった場合には、(季節性)インフルエンザを予防する点に於いて(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンの効果は減りますが、 重症化や死亡を防ぐ点に於いては(季節性)インフルエンザワクチンの効果があるとされています。
元来の「レンサ球菌」(streptococcus)とは、細菌が発見されて間もない、分類法が整理 されてない頃に細菌の形態および配列から名付けられた名称である。その後の分類 によって、当初レンサ球菌属として分類されていたグループから腸球菌(Enterococcus) が ...
ミュータンス菌(ミュータンスきん、学名:Streptococcus mutans)とは、グラム陽性で通 性嫌気性の連鎖球菌の一種のことである。ヒトの口腔内にも存在し、う蝕の原因菌の ひとつである。1924年にJ. K. Clarkeによって発見された。
子宮頚癌がお年寄りの病気だと勘違いしている人も多く、確かに昔は 60-80歳の人が多かったのですが、この40年のあいだに60-70歳代の発症は激減したのに、20-30歳代だけ増加しています。
子育て中の40代の主婦です。5年以上前から慢性の背中の痛みに悩まされています。痛みは肩甲骨の間が酷く、時には肩の方や腰にも広がります。何回も病院で見てもらったのですが、レントゲンも内診も特に異常がなく、シップ薬を出されるのみで完治しません。温泉に行くと多少は良いのですが、またすぐに痛みが戻ってきて耐えがたく涙が出る程です。心理的なものかと思い抗うつ剤を飲んでいますが痛みはひきません。どうかご助言下さい。 ユーザーID:8161511646 お気に入り登録数:23 | タイトル | 投稿者 | 更新時間 | "自営業の"整体をお勧めします | レノ 2012年1月14日 10:39 | | とても辛い状態で過ごされてきた事がよくわかります。 お住いの地域の住宅街で10年以上営業されているお店が良いと思います。 私も私の身内、友人・知人まで、体の不調で悩んでいる方に紹介してきましたが、みんな回復されています。 ユーザーID:2897369932 MRI | れんが 2012年1月14日 15:27 | | 病院でレントゲンは、撮られているようですが 私もレントゲンでは異常がなく、MRIで初めて椎間板ヘルニアだと診断されました。 原因が分かって、早く痛みから解放されるといいですね。 ユーザーID:7658283689 東洋医学は? | しろうと 2012年1月14日 16:16 | | 普通の病院で異常が見つけられないなら鍼灸院などで治療してみてはいかがでしょうか? ユーザーID:6131102454 私も同じ症状でした。 | まりも |
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Top Picks according to the Burst Bowl and Brand Bowl
The results are in for Super Bowl XLVI and the winner is? Well wait, what are we scoring? If you care about the game, like many of my New York friends, then the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots, 21-17. If you are like me and care about your 'squares' during the game (and you had my luck last night), you may have won the first two quarters with the winning numbers being NYG 9, NE 0. If you are like my Mother then you probably only watched the commercials and half-time show and are still wondering (and watching) for who had the best commercial. If you are a tech and social media person you may be wondering who won the Burst Bowl and Brand Bowl.
Burst Bowl 2012:
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U.S. Among Leaders in Health IT Use, Adoption « C-Cookies
The United States is a leader in health information technology (IT) use and adoption by physicians, according to a new eight-country study from Accenture. The study, which includes Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Singapore, Spain and the United States, also shows that the United States is one of the few countries in which healthcare IT penetration is nearly equal among primary physicians and specialists.
"What is encouraging about the U.S. findings is that primary doctors and specialists are on pretty equal footing for healthcare IT adoption," said Mark Knickrehm, who leads Accenture's global healthcare business. "This balance and equality between the sectors will help speed integration of care delivery across the U.S. healthcare system."
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Pendleton Chief Knocks Response to Deputy's Shooting of Marine
Camp Pendleton's commanding officer, Col. Nick Marano, criticized civilian authorities Thursday for their public response to last week's fatal shooting of Marine Sgt. Manny Loggins Jr. by an Orange County deputy sheriff.
"While I am confident they will do the right thing in the end, I am less than satisfied with the official response from the City of San Clemente and Orange County," Marano said in a press release. "Many of the statements made concerning Manny Loggins' character over the past few days are incorrect and deeply hurtful to an already grieving family."
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Berlin may be the capital city of Germany and the third hottest tourist destination in the entire European union area. There are a number of reasons because of this popularity, including the central situation in Europe and also the variety along with quality regarding attractions the city can give. With so many stunning new and national delights, and among the better hotels along with tourism infrastructure to become seen anywhere in the world, Berlin truly can be an enticing along with enriching journey destination. Some people visit Berlin to the stunning architecture that envelopes the location, while others arrived at experience the countless museums and also galleries that exciting capital is offering. In fact, there are a wide variety of reasons that individuals come for you to Berlin that it would be impossible to list them. The shear dimensions and scale with the city is actually one good reason that many visitors decide to experience Berlin via one of the guided travels that operate through the city.
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Siedem szczęśliwych liczb » Easy Ways to Get Healthy
Posted By aghaghay on February 15, 2012
Good health happens for a number of reasons and most of them are pretty simple to understand. So many people already know what they should do to feel and look good but have a difficult time putting what they know into consistent use. This why the true secret to being healthier is putting the kind of principles we will be talking about in this article to use every single day.
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Why companies outsource human resources management processes
HR management is a major responsibility that is vital for the smooth functioning of any business since it involves the men and women who get things done in your organization. Manpower management is now being increasingly entrusted to professionals outside the firm and it's important to understand why companies outsource human resources management processes. One important reason is cost - it is being realized that outsourcing manpower management saves money.
What is human resource management?
Human resources management involves:
• Recruiting,
• Payroll administration and tax filing,
• Administering employee benefits,
• Managing risk,
• Keeping tabs on Federal and State regulation, and
• Ensuring all kinds of legal compliance
Failure to handle these tasks properly could invite serious legal penalties and also compromise the performance of your staff.
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How To Apply For A New Passport Card
A United States Passport Card is a legally issued document in which individuals are able to enter the country via sea or land border entry points. Many individuals who have planned trips between the States and Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean should obtain a legally documented card, which is simple in application and not as expensive as regular passports. All American citizens are eligible for application for these documents.
International Travel
The document is only valid for border travel, which means that you cannot leave the country for international destinations. The purpose is to fulfill all needs related to border traveling and is not in a bulky book format for convenient use. Cards have been created for proof of identity and evidence for citizenship.
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Shortness Of Breath 70 | Shortness of Breath Causes

Case 4-2006: A 79-Year-Old Woman With Myalgias, Fatigue, And …
Case 4-2006: A 79-Year-Old Woman with Myalgias, Fatigue, and Shortness of Breath Jonathan Kay, M.D., David S. Finn, M.D., and James R. Stone, M.D., Ph.D. The temperature was 36.7C, the blood pressure 130/70 mm Hg, and the pulse 78 beats per minute with a regular rhythm; the respiratory rate was … Content Retrieval
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JAPAN Earthquake Nuclear Fukushima ☢Attack, Haarp, japan ☢☢USA NEXT?☢NWO
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How Can the Postal Service Reduce the Costs Associated with Postage Stamps?
How much does it cost to develop, print, ship, inventory, secure, sell, and cancel a stamp used to mail a letter? What about the stamps that are never sold? The Postal Service destroys billions of stamps each year because they are obsolete. In FY 2008, the Postal Service printed 37 billion stamps, which cost $78 million to print. In that same year, they destroyed old stamps, some of which were printed more than 10 years ago, that were valued at approximately $2.8 billion. Those stamps were printed, shipped, counted multiple times in various inventories, and finally shipped back for destruction under secure conditions. How much does this cost and does the Postal Service benefit from the expense?
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Week 6 – Standing on the edge of something wonderful…
Yesterday I received this great email devotion from Rick Warren. It was so encouraging to know that God is planning great things for each of us… I wanted to share part this great devotion from Rick Warren:
God's Promises for You
The Bible has over 7,000 promises from God to you – promises of success, confidence, health, prosperity, strength, wisdom and more. Why does God make these promises?
Because he wants you to learn to trust him.
When you set a goal, don't focus on the problems, focus on the promises. Find a promise in God's Word that will take you to your goal.
This is what Abraham does when Eliezer, his servant, starts to worry about accomplishing the goal he is given. In today's verse, Abraham tells Eliezer about the promise he received from God: "He'll [God] send an angel before you so that you can find a wife there for my son" (Genesis 24:7b NCV).
You don't need an angel because dozens of time in Scripture God has said, "I'll be with you no matter where you go." God is always with you whether you feel it or not. You just need to plug into the power.
The size of your God determines the size of your goal. And godly goal-setting always starts with a promise of God. Don't look at your limitations; look at the promises of God.
Rick Warren
Watch Christian Videos and Read the Online Bible at GodVine.com
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joelgillespie.blogspot.com: Sweet Gum
(written for www.backporch.org)When I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11 years old, a friend of mine from school lived in a house with a huge backyard – several acres, including a great field for playing baseball. He also had some of the best climbing trees anywhere. My favorite, due to the ease of getting very very high, was a tree with these pointy little balls all over the ground and hanging from the ends of the limbs. I really didn't know what it was then, but we could climb so high – this tree was higher than the surrounding old loblolly pines, that it was just a great feeling. Of course, being kids, we'd go to the very top and sway back and forth. If poor mom had ever known…
I am of course talking about the venerable old Sweet Gum tree, Liquidambar styraciflua. Seems these days this is one of those trees people most love to hate, mainly because the gum balls are a pain to clean up year after year. Oh the things we come to hate for our perfectly trimmed and chemically produced lawns. "But it hurts to step on them!" Come on, a few weeks running barefooted and you won't even feel it. Oh I forgot, running barefoot is out. What did Hopkin's say (from God's Grandeur):
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Bulls vs Bucks 7pm on WCIU Gibson in, Bogut out
For those not deeply following Milwaukee Bucks news, the Bucks will be missing Andrew Bogut who fractured his left ankle. Tough news for them. Meanwhile, the Chicago Bulls will get a lift with the return of Taj Gibson [pending any late setbacks] from his ankle sprain. All in all, the game shouldn't be much of a challenge for Chicago.
A Bulls team pissed off from their lack of focus against Indiana will likely look to crush the hapless Bucks to redeem themselves. Without Bogut, the Bucks lack much presence inside, and it should be a field day for Chicago at the rim.
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Weight Loss Supplements Helps In Losing Weight And Fat « theurbancatwalk.com
Posted by uminokrez on January 25, 2012
Studies published in your American Journal regarding Clinical Nutrition, as reported by just Wed MD, demonstrate conflicting proof of CLA's effectiveness as being a weight loss dietary supplement. But with the innovations offered by modern science, it isn't just about so bad; nowadays, you can find supplements as well as need, providing a combination of effects sufficient reason for a huge many types of active ingredients. While the fat just isn't used by one's body, fat enters from the intestines and in the end is excreted. To have the specified effect, you must combine the consumption of your weight damage pills with right dieting control and productive exercise. These pills are generally made of rice bran, omega3 oils, minerals and vitamin supplements. It can turn out to be weight loss pills highly frustrating to sit and learn that the retail outlet that you decided on carefully after much consideration fails to ship to your current country.
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Tummy Tuck Procedure and Recovery
Okay, now that we are done figuring out the tummy tuck cost above, let's move on to deal with very important aspect of tummy tuck adventure, namely tummy tuck procedure and recovery. Appealing as the tummy tuck procedure is, one has to be aware that even perfectly performed cosmetic surgery should include a range of post-operative physical therapy, which will allow to accelerate the recovery process after surgery, as well as preserve the results achieved in the longer term. And that is why modern clinics that deal with cosmetic surgery, certainly have a staff of highly professional beauticians, or cooperate with them.
Tummy tuck procedure overview
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a three-dimensional complex surgical intervention carried out in order to restore the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen, after which it remains an extended scar. It is within the patient's underwear, it is well hidden from sight but not out of sight of the patient. Immediately after removal of sutures the scar appears to be a thin long line, which is fast becoming intensely pink in color and dense to the touch.
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Tuning up Your Diet with High Protein Vegan Recipes
If you balance the foods balance you eat, (carbohydrates, protein and fat ) you achieve balance in your body, which will lead to a longer and healthier life. It creates balance in your hormonal systems and you feel healthier. You will have a lower risk of developing such life-threatening illnesses as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. At the same time, you'll experience more energetic and fresh. You can easily tune up your diet with high protein vegan recipes which are healthier and energetic while fulfilling your body requirements.
If you're not getting protein from eating meat, then you need to make sure that you get enough from other sources. it's wise to keep a few high-protein vegetarian recipes on hand.
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Diabetes Treatment - Which Method is Best? | Colon Cleansing Reviews
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!
Diabetes is a rather distinctive sickness. This means that it happens and disrupts each person's life in s different manner. No two people endure the sickness in the exact same way.
This means each individual has to have a particular regimen for the illness they are facing. One diabetes regimen may work amazingly for one human and not work at all for another. Even so, there is a small array of the types of remedies that most methods of battling with diabetes fall under. In this article we will talk about some of the main options for handing this disease.
Obviously the first kind of diabetes cure is your diet. Some individuals have the capability to moderate their illness with nothing more than their food consumption. Clearly you should not test this out without first consulting your physician and getting their opinions.
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Anabolic Steroids – Buy Steroids Blog – iBuySteroids » Former WWE star back in jail
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Side VIew Mirror Repair - 6speedonline.com Forums
For 2003-2007- Sounds like the clips that hold it in place are either not all connected or are bent. The mirror will just pop off if you get your fingers behind the black backing and pull. Just be carefull - i cracked mine once doing just this - preasure has to be even as you pull - dont bend the frame. You can then inspect the clips and glue the glass back to the frame. If you glue it, 3m weather strip adhesive or contact cement is where I would start.!doctype>bms providing top colleges mumbai university
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Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of ManagementPlot No. 11/7, Sector-11
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Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi is a premier institute of Management and Information Technology Education. Established by the Lal Bahadur Shastri Educational Trust in 1995, it has emerged as one of the top business schools in the country.
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Hereticwerks: Philosophic Mold (Labyrinth Lord)
Philosophic MoldNo. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Neutral (30%), Chaotic (70%)
Movement: 30' (10')
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1
Damage: 2d6 or by spell
Save: MU7
Morale: 10
Voiceless, shapeless, morally ambiguous masses of sentient mold who crawl speculatively across the mangled and congealed crusts of dismal moons and dimly lit worlds beyond the ken of most mortals; these beings know many secrets gained through their ponderous circumambulations and meditative cogitations upon the most abstruse esoteric theorems and conjectures. Philosophic Molds project their strange psyches across immeasurable gulfs of space and time in order to observe, to learn, and to gain access to many spells and much bizarre knowledge that they hoard unto themselves.
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The Mother Experiment: need.... to.... focus......
I'm putting this out there because I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this.I proctastinate. I'm not lazy I just don't always do what I know is the urgent thing to do. Throughout highschool and university my room would be very messy without bothering me until suddenly it was time to study and I'd just have to clean it. I'd say it's because I wanted a neat and tidy study environment, which was true. I did study better once I had cleaned my room but sometimes when time was limited and I should have pushed through and studied anyway I really struggled to do so. I used to call it "justifiable procrastination".
We all do it to a certain extent but I am terrible at it. Allow me to set the scene for you.
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WIMCIP Articles » Assist On How To Write A Feature Article
Knowing how to write an article has turn out to be a lot a lot more critical as of late than it ever was. It really is crucial not just to writers who write books and news stories but even to those that own a business enterprise. This really is because a lot of distinctive promoting techniques that make use of different articles already exist. For those who own a company and you don't choose to spend a considerably massive quantity of cash on article writing services you need to know how to write a feature article.
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Glass window restoration « STAINED GLASS STUDIO
Even though I like new modern stained glass it is always great to think that you can restore and reinvigorate stained glass already in a door or window or something you have found thrown out or discarded. You have a much loved window that is now bending with age and this is something that can be restored to former glory. All the lead can be removed, the glass cleaned and then the window is remade to show how it would have looked when first installed. This is such a great recycling system as well. The old lead will be melted down to be used again and you are reusing your glass. Equally is you find some old glass somewhere this can be cut, shaped, added to and installed in you house to live again.
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Table 2 lists the two types of high initial permeability permalloy rolled strip in four frequency magnetic properties. The specified frequency (frequency condition is extremely important), we can easily choose the best grades and shielding strip thickness. In many cases, people not only requires good shielding material properties, but also lightweight, which promoted the new materials and new varieties are emerging. The recent emergence of high-permeability material CO-NETIC AA and NETIC S3-6 made of foil shielding and shielding tape. CO-NETIC material has high permeability: r = 4.5 105, the effective attenuation of low frequency magnetic interference can achieve very high magnetic shielding; materials have excellent resistance to magnetic saturation capacity, can produce a certain magnetic field decay. Cell phone connects with the base station through the radio wave to complete the transmission of data and voice with the specific baud rate and modulation mode and cell phone jammer will work according to this communication principle. Both materials have excellent workability, its magnetic properties are very stable, in line with the U.S.
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Employment Agencies Think - Will need To Understand About Computer systems » My Blog
30 January 2012 By sarah In Music
Computer systems certainly are a portion of modern day bustling globe and perform a function in everybody's daily life, younger or aged, no matter if they like it or not. A edition of the personal computer, no matter if it be extremely technologically sophisticated or not could be located in family appliances for instance refrigerators, ovens, toasters and microwave ovens. Vehicles have their very own one of a kind type of computer systems, as do televisions, DVD people and so a lot much more. But after we believe personal computer what arrives to thoughts 1st is frequently what exactly is identified like a Computer (or individual personal computer). Just about each and every family has no less than 1 and most corporations couldn't be with out 1 right now. So a lot is completed around the personal computer and more than the personal computer Employment .
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James Meredith « The Dillard Doctrine
I did a series highlighting notable African American Republicans back in 2009. I think it's important-especially during Black History Month-to look back and see the longstanding connection to conservatism in the black community, in a effort to try to rebuild those relationships that have, over time, been lost. -Coby
James H. Meredith (born June 25, 1933) is an American civil rights movement figure, a writer, and a political adviser. In 1962, he was the first African American student admitted to the segregated University of Mississippi, an event that was a flashpoint in the American civil rights movement. Motivated by President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address, Meredith decided to exercise his constitutional rights and apply to the University of Mississippi. His goal was to put pressure on the Kennedy administration to enforce civil rights for African Americans.
Meredith was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi of Choctaw and Black American heritage. Thousands of Choctaw had stayed in Mississippi when most of the people left their traditional homeland for Indian Territory in the removal of the 1830s.
After attending local segregated schools and graduating from high school, Meredith enlisted in the United States Air Force. He served honorably from 1951 to 1960.
He attended Jackson State University for two years, then applied to the University of Mississippi which, under the state's legally imposed racial segregation, had traditionally accepted only white students.
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By Dr Rhian Parker
January 19, 2012
Studies on whether Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) causes cancer have been undertaken in a number of countries over the past 10 years or so.
The latest findings* released yesterday from a study of a million women are ambiguous. Theysay that a causal link between HRT and breast cancer cannot be established.
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How To Control Services Starting At Boot-Up In Linux Mint / Ubuntu
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Looked at another '93 today, couple of concerns... kick back pedal and greasy on...
What do you mean "popped/kicked up"? Do you mean the brakes?On the oily/greasy appearance, probably valve cover seepage over the years. I wouldn't worry much about that. Check for actual oil spots in the parking lot after it's been parked a while... That would be more of a concern.
On the air cleaner, I wouldn't worry about that either. If it bothers you, get a replacement at pull-a-part.
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Medical Careers: Health Care Job FAQ
Access to nursing 2nd interview?
could anyone tell me what is involved in the interview as be told that it could last most of the morning.
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Is there anyone out there who requests administration work done from home. Thought I would try this avenue as I have have no luck in the job front.
ADN or BSN? Which is best route and what are the benefits?
So I know I want to be an RN and I am actively in the process of completely prerequisites for a program at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga, California--it's a community college that offer the ADN. The good thing roughly it is that it will get me to RN, is close by, and affordable thanks to charge waivers. I already attend college there so it's most convenient. BUT> I am getting an itch to accomplish a Bachelors Degree as a personal goal. The colleges that propose BSN are not that close and I am leary about cost and commuting. The big draw is that if I go to a 4-year for RN I knock out the schooling, bring a career AND get a bachelors scope. Is it really worth it to go for BSN and why or why not? I know having a Masters open a lot more oppetunities but my goal right in a minute is RN. I need a push! What should I do? thanks!
Adult (General) or Child Nursing?
I wish to become a Nurse. But what would it be better to become? A child nurse or an adult nurse?
Adult Home Aide/Resident Care Aide?
What are theses (in nursing homes)...What do they do? Thanks!
Advanced Cardiac Life Support for a student nurse?
Hi I am a senior nursing student. I plan to take the nurse externship for telemetry nurses this year and plan to be a telemetry RN next year. For presently I want to take the ACLS course to help me prepare, but I grain shaky about it because I will be taking the course along with doctors and nurses who already know much roughly speaking this course. Should I feel shaky about it? But my friend said, everything will be discussed and I will win it. Health professionals out there, any advices? THANK YOU!
Advanced EMT or Paramedic?
I am trying to decide whether to get my Indiana Advanced EMT license or walk all out and get my Paramedic license. It is profoundly more expensive to go for my medic. I have two Associates degree's within computer repair and business networking but can't really find a career contained by that field where I live and can't move as of this time. I call for help deciding whether I should be in motion ahead and get my medic or if I should just procure my Advanced and see how I like it first. I already have a full time brief and am a single father so I don't have a whole lot of time to allocate to either one.
Advancement contained by medical bureau work?
i work for a medical office as the receptionist. i make clothed money where i am. i am looking into taking some online classes to further my education. i am not sure if i should further my craft here since that is where most of my working experience comes from, or if i should revision careers all together? could someone please develop me on any possible options for me?
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What Is My IP Address
15 Jan 2012
Posted by Andrew DiFiore In Cool Tools, That's Interesting
Everything connected to the Internet requires an IP address, a dotted quad number that looks something like this: This is the current Internet Protocol (IP) known as IPv4.
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¿Para quien o para que es este blog? Si estas cansado de lo mecnico que fue impuesto consciente o inconscientemente en nuestro sistema y te estas preparando para la conquista de los reinos para el Reino sempiterno, entonces eres BIENVENIDO.
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Nvidia Shows Off Asus 7 Inch Tablet with New Tegra 3 Chipset at CES
Nvidia CEO and co-founder Jen-Hsun Huang, recently launched the latest Asus 7 inch tablet that uses Nvidia's next generation Tegra 3 chipset. The new device will cost $249.00, which is almost half of what an entry level Apple iPad costs. iPad is the Number 1 tablet in the tablet marketplace.
At the CES 2012 international event, while launching the device, Huang touted the various benefits of the tablet marketplace, which is considered increasingly fractured.
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Protective Layered Cases Can Keep Your IPod From Landing In A Shallow Grave
You might use any one of a number of different formats in which to store the recorded music that you listen to, and if you're a huge enough music fan, you may use more than one format. Decades ago, just about everyone had a turntable wired to his home stereo system because vinyl LPs were the major method of capturing recorded music.
Others may use old-fashioned cassette tapes, because independent music producers have found that cassettes are a quick, inexpensive format to use. Those small, silver CD discs are the most often deployed medium for commercial sound recordings, but they are probably going to be replaced in days to come.
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Different Kinds of Loans For the Unemployed People
loans for unemployed people appear in many different sizes and shapes. Because of this you should do some research desire what to receive. Emergency financial loans are one of the most frequent loans which unemployed men and women seem to receive. This type of personal loan is important because it is usually a life-saver. Usually these financial loans are obtained when people don't have enough money to fund an emergency medical visit. Favorite hospital will almost certainly care for people, they nevertheless want their own and so you will have to take out a loan if you don't currently have the money. For anyone who is unemployed, the hospital ought to assist a lender to help you get money.
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MLA writing
MLA writing is a writing style that requires a lot of attention to detail, and as such it takes much longer than some other writing styles. MLA writing standards have very strict regulations regarding how the paper must be formatted, and especially how you have to cite your sources. When your teacher or professor specifically requests a paper in MLA format writing, it is very important that you follow all of the most recent updates to the style before you begin. Failing to do so might potentially result in lost points because you didn't format your paper properly.
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Nortel Norstar Audio Conferencing Unit (NTAB2666)
Nortel Meridian Norstar 4X8 / 6X16 / 8X24 / 0X32 Systems - Adding Telephone Sets to the System Tube. Duration : 3.73 Mins.
New Features
Some of the most useful new features include:
o Network time synchronization -This is great for users who subscribe to digital or IP trunks using analog gateways. Sometimes providers of these types of lines have clocking in different time zones, and this can produce the wrong time on your system. With the R8, all you have to do is turn off Network Time Synchronization and run your time on the system's internal clock. Problem solved.
o Caller ID on single line phones - This is a great feature for common areas that use single line phones with Caller ID compatible displays. There is no need to add an expensive system phone in these areas. Just purchase a cheaper single line set at your local electronics outfitter. This feature is also great when using devices like the Plantronics CT14 wireless headset. This popular wireless headset is often plugged into the adjunct port of a Partner 18D telephone for mobility. Now, you can see Caller ID information when you're mobile.
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Senior NCAR scientist admits: "Quantifying climate sensitivity from real world data cannot even be done using present-day data…"
Whoo boy… just a few days ago it was argued in a new peer reviewed paper published in Science that climate sensitivity might be lower than the IPCC stated in AR4. Now we have this damning admission from Dr. Tom Wigley of NCAR that it can't be determined at all from the data we have. Of course they'd never tell anyone publicly such things.
Bold mine. From email 0303.txt
cc: Simon Tett Keith and Simon (and no-one else),
from: Tom Wigley
to: Keith Briffa